HVAC Optimization for District Energy
With our experience optimizing some of the largest and most complex district cooling plants in the world, Optimum Energy has a unique understanding of district cooling provider needs and concerns. From the major district cooling provider with 120,000 tons of cooling to the campus with seven interconnected plants totaling 60,000 tons and massive thermal energy storage tanks, we’ve optimized it all. No plant is too big and no design is too complex for Optimum Energy’s team of expert engineers and fully customizable OptimumLOOP software.

What We Do
Paired with the OptimumLOOP® on-premise software, Optimum Energy’s OptiCx® platform has a host of unique features and optional enhancements that go beyond energy savings, and which can be tailored to meet the specific needs of large-scale district cooling plants.
How District Energy Benefits
The OptiCx® platform dynamically and automatically adapts to fluctuating conditions to yield the lowest possible kW/ton, ensuring building systems achieve peak performance day after day, year after year. The patented Real-Time Dynamic Commissioning™ technology fights performance drift by detecting and addressing issues in real time. Sophisticated software algorithms and modeling techniques also produce a detailed, real-world baseline, which, combined with the OptiCx® Measurement and Verification tool, gives you performance data and energy savings results in real time. This allows you to quickly retool and reset when necessary.

Optimum Energy’s solutions typically reduce energy expenditures by up to 50%, helping you achieve HVAC optimization and giving you an average payback between one and five years. OptimumLOOP® also dramatically reduces water use, further contributing to sustainability goals. Additionally, Optimum Energy helps reduce HVAC equipment maintenance costs and wear and tear by balancing energy use among all components.

OptiCx® advances sustainability goals and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 50% from baseline. Reduce emissions at the source as a result of running more efficiently, aligning your organization with the carbon laws and compliance set to arrive by 2030. It also contributes to Energy Star ratings (up to 18 points) and LEED certification for both existing buildings (up to 24 Energy and Atmosphere credits) and new construction (up to 19 EA credits).

Optimum’s scalable, modular approach to energy optimization standardizes and deploys HVAC management best practices across an enterprise portfolio, regardless of building type, equipment, or BAS vendor. You can address one system at a time, within one building or across many facilities. Our centralized energy management system makes it easy to access the information you need.

Solutions that Support District Energy
“The monthly analytics reports are very valuable. They give us insights into potential problems with our machines—starting with overall efficiencies and then diving deeper into the details with things like approach temperature degradation on the chillers. We are also looking at how all that information trends over time—combined with Optimum’s experience from other sites, we get a different set of eyes and experience to help drill down into what the machines are telling us.”